Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Start of a Good.. or bad thing

Okay, so this is the sweet wittle start of my blog. Yes, it feels quite weird typing to the world BUT-........ well... i don't really know. Anyhow this could be good or bad. Good because i might get famous for writing crap, or bad because i won't get any views. I won't get famous, and i would have been wasting my time writing stuff.    

... hold up here one second--- Mentioning blogs now, how about visiting my dad's blog? It's funny, smart, and a little bit heartrending! 

That's it. Good ain't it? Yep. He's a natural!........ well this is it for now. Who know's when i'll be back? Tomorrow? Day after tomorrow? A week? A month? A year? TEN years? I guess we'll never- ever- know.... until the next post... dundundduuuuuunnnnnnn....................


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I *said*, Hey even if you don't get famous, it's still fun to write! Or even better, to have written! Keep it up, and thanks for the advertisement!

  3. I may not know when you'll be back, but I'll know when it happens cause I added you to my blogger dashboard! :O)

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you write! :D
