Monday, August 21, 2023

Talk About a Digital Footprint...

 Good lord. What the hell? Who let 12-year-old me have a blog? Like all things I started, I never stuck with it, obviously. Any minor with access to the internet will undoubtedly post cringe-worthy things, I suppose. For some reason, I thought myself to be different back then. "I'm not going to post cringey photos! Or lame trendy TBH statuses," I thought. Instead, I went down a worse path, and posted that which sits below this post, among many god-awful Facebook statuses, comments, and YouTube videos... Ah, well, it will sit here for eternity, or at least until Blogspot is no more. In a way, it'll be like I am immortal. This is my legacy, for now, until I do something to surpass it. Hopefully this blog, which I kickstarted in 2011, doesn't hamper my ability to get a job (lmao). 

To preserve the hard work and hilarity of my younger-self, I will not edit or delete the old posts. I want to change the coloring and font and some spelling so badly, but I shant. It's a testament to my quirkiness (some may also say 'stupidity', or 'lameness,' but tom-ato, to-mato). 

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